When we think of flowers, the two adjectives that come to mind are ‘beautiful’ and ‘delicate.’ It should come as no surprise that dried flowers are more fragile and delicate than fresh flowers or houseplants, considering they’re literally dehydrated of every nutrient they have.
Having dried flowers can be a bit of a nuisance when you’re in the process of moving. On the one hand, you don’t want to leave them behind due to their sentimental value.
On the other hand, dried flowers are so fragile that they can die if they’re not packed properly. This begs the question: how to pack dried flowers for moving?
In this article, I discuss how you should go about packing dried flowers for moving. Whether you have a flat arrangement or a dimensional arrangement, I’ve got you covered!
Pre-Packing Steps and Packing Supplies
Before we get into details about how to pack your dried flowers, let’s talk about the general packing supplies you’ll be needing.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Packing boxes/cartons
- Packing paper (the thinner, the better, so they don’t crush the leaves and petals of your dried flowers)
- Packing tape
- Bubble wrap or air pillows
- A marker
- Scissors
One of the main things you need to take into consideration is the different types of dried flower arrangements. Some are flat just like an assortment of flowers in a tray or wreaths. Others are more dimensional to an extent like, in the shape of a cone or taller.
The flat assortments are relatively easy to pack and will probably need a wider box rather than a taller one. Dimensional assortments, per contra, will need upright boxes with more height rather than width.
Make a list of how many of each assortment you have so that you can order the perfect box for each assortment.
Keep in mind that each assortment will need an individual box so that each box is well-padded and contained enough for the assortment.
If you pack multiple assortments into one box, you’re increasing the chances of them rubbing against each other and damaging them in the moving process.
How to Pack Flat Arrangements
Firstly, use the wrapping paper to create a sort of nest to pad the ground and sides of the insides of the box.
For additional safety, you can place tissues in the middle of the nest you created with the wrapping paper.
Next, place the arrangement face up in the middle of the nest. Make sure it doesn’t get caught on any of the tissue napkins you’ve placed.
Also, make sure that the flower arrangement is completely lying down to avoid it moving around too much during the moving process.
It’s better not to put lots of wrapping paper on top of the assortment so that it doesn’t add too much pressure on the twigs and branches that are already delicate. A single thin layer in the form of a nest to mirror the one at the bottom should help keep things in place.
After you’ve put your assortment in its nest, you will need to make sure that it’s fixed into place in the box. You can do that in a few different ways.
One way is to fill in any gaps around the nest and the box itself with air pillows, wrapping paper, or bubble wrap to make sure the nest stays in place while the box is being moved. (If you’re on a tight budget, you can use items you already have at your disposal like T-shirts or regular pillows.
Another way that’s more recommended is to tie a string to a stable part of the assortment and tie the ends of it to either side of the box.
You can do this by poking a hole on either side of the box using a pencil, then pulling the end of the string through the hole and taping it to the outside of the box.
How to Pack Dimensional Arrangements
Packing dimensional arrangements is a bit trickier and slightly harder to secure than with flat arrangements, so pay close attention.
Firstly, you’re most likely going to need upright boxes depending on the height and width of the arrangement.
If your arrangement has a pot or a base that it’s attached to, make sure to wrap it with bubble wrap and packing paper to make sure it doesn’t get scratched.
Build a similar nest to the one you created for the flat arrangement, but be sure to fit it to the base size of the dimensional arrangement.
Make sure to fill in all that excess space as well so that there isn’t room for the assortment to tip over or lean against the sides in any way, as this can lead to twigs or branches breaking off.
After setting the arrangement snug into the padding of the packing paper nest and somewhat secure, go ahead and poke two holes into the sides of the box mid-length to the arrangement.
It’s better if you can use two different strings to help secure it into place from all directions, so you may need four holes in total, two on each side.
Tie the string around a secure place on the arrangement and pull the end of the strings to opposite sides through the opposite facing holes.
Tape the end of the string to the outside of the box to make sure it doesn’t move. Do the same with the other ends of the strings that are holding the mid-section of the arrangement.
Finally, put a thin layer of packing paper or tissue (depending on how fragile the leaves and top part of the arrangement is) and close the box.
Write some warnings on the outside of the box to make sure everyone knows how to handle the box. Things to write would be which ‘way up’ it is, ‘fragile,’ and ‘ do not shake.’
Some Key Considerations
Whether you’re packing a flat or dimensional flower arrangement. make sure the box filling isn’t pressuring the arrangement too much so that nothing rubs too hard against it.
Also, make sure to pull the strings tightly to make sure they aren’t too loose, which could lead to the arrangement tipping over in any direction.
If it’s possible for you to keep the boxes with you in your personal car, then do so. It will lessen the worry and hassle for the movers with the rest of the boxes being moved. It will also reduce the chances of your flower arrangement getting damaged.
Final Thoughts
With the aid of the information shared in this post, you should be able to pack and move dried flower arrangements without any problems.
Remember that there isn’t one specific way to do things. You can make adjustments based on your needs.
Make use of the basic tips discussed above, like making sure the flowers aren’t being pressured by the packing paddings (whether it’s packing paper, bubble wrap or air pillows), and then make the adjustments that you deem as necessary.
Feel free to be creative with how to get your arrangement immobilized and fixed into place. Just make sure that you try your best to minimize friction and sudden movements, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
Good luck!