As exciting as moving to a new home can be, it can also be such a long, exhausting process. A lot goes on at the same time, and you’ll have a ton of boxes everywhere.
Not only that, but the fear of anything getting damaged is always there. Which is why we’re here to answer the question, what items are most likely to be damaged during a move?
Let’s find out.
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Your electronics could easily get damaged if they’re bumped around a lot. Even if they look fine on the outside, internal parts might face damage. The wiring is also at risk if not wrapped correctly, it could get tangled too much and end up splitting.
Whether we’re talking about a PC setup, a TV, or a console, make sure to be generous with their packaging. Cushion them with spare blankets, especially the corners. You can also use bubble wrap or foam boards.
It would also be a good idea to mark the boxes as fragile, so the moving company takes extra care of them.

Glassware is the easiest to face damage during a move. All it takes is one crack or one bump and you’ve lost them. So let’s see how you can package your glassware and precious china.
The first step is to wrap each item individually. This step is crucial because if for example, you package a whole set of china together, the friction will cause them to break.
So start by wrapping each glass and plate separately using padding and bubble wrap. The second step is to get the right boxes.
First, in my opinion, getting a box with dividers is non-negotiable when it comes to packing glasses and other fragile kitchen items.
Even if you pack each item well, you shouldn’t overfill the boxes with too many pieces. If the weight is too much, it’ll cause breakage.
A medium-sized box that carries around 10 pounds would be ideal. If the box is too large and you fill it completely, the weight will be a problem. And if you don’t fill it and leave a lot of empty space, your glassware will bump around a lot and be at risk.
Furniture or furniture edges to be exact are very susceptible to damage during moving. Anything like table edges, desk legs, and sofa feet can get dented if bumped around too much.
This is why it would be best to disassemble your furniture if possible and wrap the parts separately. And if dissembling isn’t an option, make sure to package furniture legs and corners with extra layers of bubble wrap. Spare towels work too if you have any.
Keep in mind that some moving companies offer special services and care for furniture. So if that’s available near you, the wrapping and dissembling will be done by a professional. So rest assured your furniture will remain in good shape.
Like furniture, it would also be better to disassemble lamps during the move. Any nightstands or desk lampshades that you have could easily face damage or breakage.
Make sure to remove the light bulbs and package them separately. Preferably in their original small boxes if you still have them.
As for the lamp’s body, make sure to pad it well with fabric. And a layer of bubble wrap won’t hurt as well.
It would also be better to package the light bulbs and the lamps together in the same box to avoid losing either in the moving mess.
Any household can have antiques of different shapes and sizes. And they’re mostly made of expensive, sensitive material.
All your antiques should be wrapped separately and not in bundles. Be generous with the amount of bubble wrap layers you add, especially around the edges and corners.
After wrapping them with bubble wrap, add extra padding between each piece to make sure they don’t bump together and cause any scratches or damage.
If you have a lot of antiques then hiring a moving company would be ideal. Because then you wouldn’t have to worry about doing anything wrong, and you’ll let the professionals handle it.
Even though packaging your pottery can be simple, their chances of survival aren’t usually that high. Here’s what you can do to increase them.
Make sure to wrap them well using bubble wrap, and secure them with tape afterward so they don’t slip. You can use old clothes or towels for extra padding and protection as well.
Keep in mind that you shouldn’t wrap your pottery too tightly. If the wrapping is too tight, the extra pressure will cause the pieces to break. So make sure they’re well secured, but not tightly wrapped.
The thing with books is that they’re either lazily packed or packed too tightly. And in both cases, they arrive at their new home in a worse shape than expected.
Some people might think that since books aren’t among fragile belongings, they can all be crammed in one box, right? Wrong.
If you over cram a box with books, it’ll only cause your book spines to be damaged, and the pages will get wrinkled.
On the other hand, if you’re a bookworm like me, you’ll want your books to stay in good shape during the journey. In which case you may think it’s the right move to package them tightly.
However, that will also cause spine damage and page wrinkling. So what’s the right way to package your books?
A medium-sized box would be ideal. You don’t want a very large, heavy box full of books that might break. Fill about 70% of the box with books.
Put the books standing upright Just how they look on your shelves. Then add small blankets between and over the books. By doing so you make sure they don’t get any scratches or damage due to friction, or bumps.
It’s no secret that moving can be such a stressful process especially when it comes to your most breakable items. But don’t worry, by keeping these tips in mind, your belongings will arrive in one piece.
We hope you have a safe and smooth move!